I spend my time working and investing in a few areas
venture capital
capital stack innovation
frontier technologies
We live in a time when each of these areas are increasingly converging. Individual technologies are rarely sufficient to address the compounded problems facing this and the coming generations.
And yet, the global system has been in similarly precarious conditions before and will be again.
While the stakes this time around feel pretty steep, the present opportunity is also remarkable.
The transformation of mutliple legacy markets has already begun.
Therefore, in this particular turn of history's wheel,
there are two missions that I am committed to serving,
investing in, and helping to build:
I. Accelerating technological advance
II. The re-industrialization of democratic economies
And in so doing,
Build New Industrials
This is the lens with which I view the next fifty years.
Here are some companies that I've already invested in that fit within this lens:
https://diracinc.com/ (work instructions, automated)
https://www.atomic.industries/ (AI-enabled manufacturing for tool and die making)
https://www.makerain.com/ (data-driven weather modification)
https://harbingermotors.com/ (redesigned chassis and battery systems)
https://verkor.com/ (Battery manufacturing)
https://insempra.bio/ (synthetic biology)
https://formo.bio/ (synthetic biology)
https://seeqc.com/ (quantum computing / semiconductors)
https://www.ethos-space.com/ (industrializing the Moon)
https://supernormal.com/ (AI / ML for the knowledge worker)
Some others that I spend significant time with:
https://www.pacificlightandhologram.com/ (spooky math & physics in stealth)
New company build (TBA!) (sensing, automating, and designing flow technology)
Critical Minerals International (rare earth minerals for supply chains)
I also spend considerable time thinking through how the venture capital model, of which I am major proponent of and beneficiary from, is in need of reimagination to meet the $100s of trillions in capital requirement to
1) accelerate technological advance and 2) reindustrialize democratic economies.
If you're interested in any of these topics, looking for a job in one of these companies, and/or vehemently disagree (or agree for that matter!) with me, get in touch.
On a final note, below are some articles and lectures that have inspired me in the last years. I hope you'll find them interesting and worthy of a chat.
I'll update as I read, travel, and keep the conversation going.
Cheers for now, keep reading, and see ya out there.
The Secret Diary of a Sustainable Investor - Tariq Fancy (pdf)
DownloadThe Dark Side of Congo’s Cobalt Rush _ The New Yorker (pdf)
Downloadthe_valley_of_death_and_the_business_of_asset_management_0 (pdf)
DownloadAndrew Lo lecture (pdf)
Downloadinfrastructure-for-a-net-zero-economy-transformation-ahead (pdf)
DownloadNakano_Critical_Minerals (pdf)
A few friends and I just convened the brightest and most motivated minds at the intersection of manufacturing and technology in Detroit with the goal of modernizing the U.S. industrial base.
If you weren't able to join us, click the link below to stay in touch for the next turn of the crank.
Terrapin Station